No one was allowed to own their own businesses which really limited freedom because everything belonged to the state. No one really had the freedom to express themselves because the state controlled everything. The writers of the U.S Constitution criticized the idea of democracy because they doubted the ability of ordinary American’s to make informed judgments about what the government should do. (Edwards, G. C., III, Wattenberg, M. P, and Lineberry R. L. (2008).
Government in America: People, politics, and policy (brief 9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson
Others believe democracy creates political instability because government representatives frequently change and bring their new ideas with them which creates a lack of consistency. In reality, we live in a corrupt political government which results in the American people criticizing the government. It is well known that with power comes misuse which ultimately results in corruption. The wealthy continue to find ways to become wealthier, and fail to have compassion for the lower class. (Romney Makes the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer, June
4,2012 Retrieved from; I have to question the current selection of politicians we have to choose from to represent the people of the United States. They are constantly bickering like children on National television and are hardly acting professional. It seems to me like America is in some trouble and it doesn 't appear that anyone has the discipline or professionalism that it takes to run this country. I hope the politics can prove me wrong and that the people of the United States make choose the right people to lead this country! In conclusion, democracy is a very complex matter that involves the opinions of others.
Some people view democracy as a necessary freedom for the people, and others view it as political instability. American is currently a country that promotes democracy and it is my opinion that this is what is best for the country.
(Edwards, G. C., III, Wattenberg, M. P, and Lineberry R. L. (2008).
Government in America: People, politics, and policy (brief 9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson
Romney Makes the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer, June
4,2012 Retrieved from;
I have to question the current selection of
References: (Edwards, G. C., III, Wattenberg, M. P, and Lineberry R. L. (2008). Government in America: People, politics, and policy (brief 9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education.) Romney Makes the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer, June 4,2012 Retrieved from; I have to question the current selection of