Like Maya Angelou, I believe diversity is crucial to our survival and also that diversity is to be cherished. So, diversity to me is defined as being together as one, appreciating one another and the differences we have; but, not solely based on people with different backgrounds such a religion, race, and culture, but also train of thought, age, social class, and experiences that have cause one to be different. Diversity is important in many different aspects. One of the most important of the effects of diversity is that we are able to solve problems more effectively when …show more content…
Therefore, in order for society to become perfectly diverse with religion we need to respect others religions. Age is also an important diversity aspect to me, because I believe the older the wiser since they have already been through what the younger generations are now doing, so they can help us. The younger generation can help the older generation by showing them new things to help the live their lives more efficiently with technology. People say the reason we have history is so that it will not repeat itself. I feel that same way when it comes older people, we can go to them so we do not end up some were we do not want to be, because they already know the end result of certain actions. Then when the younger generation teaches the elders they become even more advanced and can help make the world a better place for the younger ones so we do not go through the same disadvantages they had. Diversity is not an easy thing to obtain not everyone wants to assimilate or go by the rules of another culture, but for us to live more pleasantly it is required. So, to me diversity is more than just a mixture of different people; but, a group that is able to put their pride aside and be able to