wanting to do whatever we want.
Even with restrictions to protect people from other people's habits that might get them sick, health, people have the power to choose to remain healthy or have bad habits that get them sick.People deserve the right to a healthy environment where they feel comfortable and they know they are not at risk of getting sick and die.Finding the common sense to realise that by simply respecting said restrictions we are protecting not only ourselves from a terrible illness but we are also protecting all the people around us is the best way we could “balance” freedom and health.
However, If people really want the freedom to lets say smoke, they should go to another place that allows them to smoke, a healthy environment is a choice that we can either embrace or not. These freedom restrictions allow people to have the healthiest life possible, and people choose to keep their unhealthy habits they should be free to do so, according to said
People wrongly use freedom as an excuse to do whatever they want, but when the health of not only oneself but of other people too we must realise that our well being is more important than our free will to endanger ourselves. When we weight the chance of living a full healthy life and the chance to throw our health away for some selfish habit or for something materialistic that may harm not just one person but three, maybe four, the choice is pretty obvious. Our health and well being is too precious, too important, for us too slowly take it away from ourselves and other people. Years later when there are no trees left to grow or we die of lung cancer we will realise our mistake, and all because we decided to use our “freedom” and wanting to do whatever we wanted. We must appreciate our health and realise is too important for us to use “freedom” as an excuse to waste it.
Restricting freedom of choice for the sake of the people's health may be seemed as a bad thing by the people that tend to use it do harmful and unhealthy things, but in the long run it benefits everyone. Respecting these restrictions can lead to a healthier environment and helps people live longer and better.