There are guiding principles available in the code of …show more content…
Initially Patient X was admitted under section 2. After showing signs of recovery she was given leave under Section 17 and an informal admission where she was to return to the ward every couple of days. However, she continued to be abusive to her father and other family members and she upheld her delusional beliefs and need to pursue police about her case. She did not believe she was psychotic and she started to disengage and break the terms set out for her section 17. She was then offered the opportunity to be an informal inpatient of which she …show more content…
For conversion to Section 2. No authority to treat. AMHP and any registered doctor 72 hours
Section 5 (2) In patients only with a
Mental disorder that is seen as a risk to his or her own health or the safety of others.
Holding power to allow MHA assessment consultant in charge of care or nominated deputy (must be a registered medical practitioner) 72 hours
Section 5 (4) Same as above but doctor is not available Registered Mental Nurses 6 hours
Section 135 Warrant to remove Mentally disordered person from their home to a place of safety if it is thought that there is a risk of being neglected or unable to care for themself. Police Officer 72 hours
Section 136 Removal of a patient with a possible mental disorder from public place if in need of immediate care to a place of safety Police officer 72 hours
Section 17 Supervised Community Treatment Order. Given under specific conditions e.g. attending for treatment at a particular time or place. Failure to comply or deterioration will result in recall for assessment.
Responsible Clinician and AMHP Recall may last up to 72 hours
Table 1: Showing the different sections and the grounds needed for a patient to be detained under that