In the beginning when Scout was was five years old, she had an over imaginative mind. Growing up with her older sibling, Jem, she loved to hear his wild tales. Even though they might have seemed a little far fetched, her little mind lead her astray. One of the wild …show more content…
The night that Bob Ewell tried to murder both Jem and her, Scout’s eyes had been opened. Her eyes could finally see and understand what was going on. She had finally met Boo Radley, not in the way she had expected, but she had met him. As Scout returns home, from walking Boo home she says, “As I made my way home, I thought Jem and I would get grown bet there wasn’t much else left for us to learn, except possibly algebra” (Lee 374). Here, Scout shows that she has learned many life lessons in the past few years. Unlike most children, Scout has experienced more life changing moments than most. For example, she has learned what responsibility is by watching her father take on dangerous cases. She has also experienced life threatening events. Not only did she manage to get through those times, but she also learned not to judge a book by it’s