Robert Morris University
ORGL-3200 Dr. Stahl
Writing Assignment 1
After reading the article, then reminiscing on my vocational work experience, I can attest to the statement that the author made. If people decide to start looking into human behavior, then they will honestly be better off with their own leadership and success in the long run. Getting into the minds of who you are dealing with before you even get started already gives people an advantage. Ultimately by acknowledging who you are dealing with and pinpointing their strengths and weaknesses, you can make changes and decide on situations that will overall benefit the nature of the leader or the leader’s team.
In the beginning chapters of the book, …show more content…
At my job, I work with a flurry of different men and women; some are social, some are frailer, and then others are socially awkward. However, our boss, Mr. Ainsman makes our lives a whole lot simpler by how he communicates with us. Ultimately Mr. Ainsman’s whole idea is to get everyone on the same page and to be cooperating to make sure our factory is running smoothly and efficient. He will occasionally take people into his office and just simply chat with them and see how they are feeling emotionally and mentally. I, myself have been in his office on multiple occasions simply to speak my mind about how the company is doing as a whole. The initiative that he takes shows his willingness to step up and take authority and responsibility for the actions and conditions of his employees and his company. By my boss taking his time to diverge into casual conversations and simple discussions, he is becoming not only a better employer but also a more beneficial leader as …show more content…
They have explained that their bosses do not take action and initiative that my boss does. The majority of my associates have told me that they would love to come and interact at my job if they could because from what they can tell I am a part of a real family. My friends have explained that, “my boss is terrible,” or “I want to quit my job because the boss is disrespectful.” After hearing about these complaints, I quickly thought to myself that is not the way you want your employees thinking. As a boss or whatever leadership position you have, you should always be alert and focused on the production of your company along with your employees as well. By their bosses not interacting with them they feel a certain way that distances them from work itself. If your boss is idiotic and does not pay attention then clearly he is not fit for that position and change must occur. However, if he/she is prime for the job and is just not taking the necessary action, then they will ultimately have workers complain or quit. Overall as a leader, you should always worry about the circumstances and issues of your employees because at the end of the day they determine how you are looked at and portrayed as a boss and if you are worth staying in that leadership position.
In conclusion, I once again reclaim my argument that yes being attentive and focusing on behavioral science are key points on being and staying in a successful,