Jack Will is a very good example of this precept. Everyone knows that helping others is brave, especially when it means helping the one kid that everybody avoids. August Pullman, a boy with a messed-up face was avoided at school. Jack Will was popular kid, he went and became friends with August, and got rejected by his friends, but didn’t care. It says in the book Wonder, “Hey Auggie, wanna be friends?”. This is Jack talking to August. Still, some people might say that Summer is a good example, not Jack Will. Well, Summer and Jack Will are both good examples.. Imagine yourself, being avoided by everyone at your school, you would be very excited if somebody asked to be your friend! Jack Will is an amazing example of this recept. …show more content…
Everybody would know about the fast that Gandhi had done. Gandhi was brave and courageous enough to fast for up to 21 days! This drove Great Britain out of India. Gandhi’s birthday is the 2nd of October, and there is now a day named Gandhi Jayanti on the 2nd of October. They celebrate Gandhi on that day by singing his favourite song. Still, some say driving Great Britain out was wrong, but it’s obviously the right thing to do. Imagine yourself fasting for 21 days, only water to drink, could you stand it? Not only has Gandhi set an example of fortune favours the bold, but my very own dad does as