The online reference Wikipedia defines leadership as “the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others.” There exists an entire school of leadership theory which…
Some look at leadership as the ability to lead. I agree 100% with leadership being the ability to lead, but in order to have the ability to lead you have to have more. There has to be a process of social leadership in which a person is able to aid and support others in their accomplishment when it comes to a specific task; this is a process of social influence on someone. Paying attention to how leaders carry themselves and interact with others socially giving guidance and being helpful. Leadership is also organizing a group or team of people to achieve a common goal and sometimes the leader may not have formal authority, but they are leading/guiding the group or team in accomplishing the goal.…
Leadership can be defined as process in which an individual influences a group of people to accomplish a common goal. The goal is achieved by cohesive behavior and mutual cooperation. A leader directs his or her followers to reach a specific goal and infuses sense of positivity in them (Meenakshi, n.d.).…
Leadership is a process through which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a manner that makes it more cohesive and coherent.…
Leadership is the process of influencing an organization (or group within an organization) in its efforts towards achieving an aim or goal ( al, 2011). Leadership may also be defined as the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility and empower others to create change as necessary. Its multifunctional in nature, it involves managing through others (Gono, 2007)…
Leadership as a concept or notion lends itself easily to myriad definitions. Manning and Curtis (2012) describes leadership as the social influence that results from the capacity to initiate ideas and deeds that others can follow. A leader often stands in front of others and they follow in his footsteps. According to Hopen (2010), “leadership is the capacity to guide or direct others” (p.4). To Fulwiler (2005), leadership is the ability to make people do what they normally would not do or go to places they normally would not go. Leadership can also be defined as the…
Leadership can be considered in terms of power capacity and opportunity to give to others, the desire to get involved and take action to achieve a collective goal or achieve a common goal. This power derives an estimated authority, trust or reference mentor who cannot be decreed. Leadership is no way from a status, function or any degree of responsibility. It owes its existence to the recognition of others.…
Leadership can be defined as a process that helps direct and mobilize people and their ideas (Stojkovic, Klofas & Kalinich, 2012). Leadership requires that a person have a strong desire to be an influential part of the organization and want to play a key role in moving towards a common goal.…
“leadership is the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a…
Leadership is a very subjective term. It has been attempted to be defined in many different ways. Basically it can be outlined as- the job of a person heading a team of people, to facilitate the group and interlock them in a course of action by stimulating their complete poten0tial.…
I believe in service. I believe every leader should be doing everything they can to serve those under their leadership. ‘This means caring for those under your leadership more than you care for yourself. Servant leadership is leading from the front. A servant leader is like the…
Leaders have to have a servant’s heart. Without that quality then as a leader one will not be successful. In order to be a servant leader one has to be willing to help others at all times, but they also have to help others out of love. Without love it is impossible to be a servant leader. Servant leadership is one of those things where one does not necessarily know why they are serving others, but it comes natural and their heart tells them to serve. It is important to be a servant first and a leader second. Servants put others before themselves. They are constantly helping others to improve. The reward of being a servant leader is seeing the one being served grow as individuals and become servant leaders themselves. Servant leaders have big responsibilities to their followers and society as a whole. Being a leader is a privilege, not a right. I consider myself as being blessed by being placed in the position to be a Servant…
To me, lead by serving is setting an example for others. You take responsibility and accountability for yours and your team’s actions. You do the right thing ,even if it’s not the easiest thing to do. It is going out of your way to do things for the betterment of the team. It can be the simplest things, such as picking up trash for a fellow team member or reminding someone to do something they may have forgotten or just decided not to do. It can also be an open ear to listen to your team member's questions or concerns, and just being there for them in general.…
Leadership can be defined as a process by which one individual influences others toward the attainment of a group or organizational goals. There are three points about the definition of leadership that should be emphasized.…
Leadership: the position or function of a person who guides or directs a group. The ability to lead and act in a instance of leading, guidance and giving direction.…