Shelby could increase her emergency fund by finding a back that will allow her to earn a higher interest rate. She can do this by either utilizing a savings account with the best interest or finding a bank with Interest earning checking. As we discussed in class last week, she could save money by using apps or coupons to get her food and household supplies cheaper. This will allow her to have more money in case of sickness and she is unable to work or whatever her emergency might be. Shelby will need to learn how to manage her money better. This includes buying groceries and household items, paying rent, insurance and other miscellaneous things she might need. She will have to learn not to buy things on impulse. She will need to write out a grocery list before she goes to the store, but she needs to be prepared to change her meal plan based on the food items that might be on sale that week. Furthermore, she can plan to cook meals and store them in the refrigerator or freezer, and this will help her save money on eating out. Financial planning consists of four types of financial services. They include savings, cash availability and payment services, borrowing cash and investments and other financial services. She needs to shop around for a bank that can provide all of these services and one that has a higher interest rate for her savings account (Bethel University, …show more content…
Some examples include getting the information from your checks. A criminal can usually find out your name and address. However, some people also add their Driver’s License number and date of birth. Be careful using your social security number because a thief can use it to apply for credit cards. Furthermore, you might not find out that your identity was stolen until your checks start bouncing or the collection agency starts calling you constantly. Next, are a few steps you can take to help prevent identity thieves from stealing your personal information. First, keep your social security cards in a safe place, but never in your wallet. Second, only give this number out unless it is necessary. Third, do not reply back to e-mails or spam asking for personal information. Fourth, shred or burn private paperwork instead of throwing it in the garbage can. Barker Brothers pick up my trash, and I had a phone call one time because one of my old check stubs had been found on Bynum Road. When I say old, it was over ten years old. I had some old container in the shed, and my husband emptied it in the garbage can that is picked up weekly. Need to say, it must have blown out of the truck because some lady from litter control called me because someone turned it in. I was upset my personal information was comprised. However, I checked my credit report, and I did not see any red