ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! America is a place where thousands come together under one government, under one common ideology.
Its a place where the freedom that Americans cherish is not an absolute, unhindered freedom that an anarchist would wish for, rather it's a freedom protected within the boundaries of law. There are no assurances for immigrants who travel to a new land inhabited by those who possess different habits, institutions, and speak strange languages. In their quest to find a better way of life they leave friends, relatives and familiar behind, often risking their lives to cross oceans and hostile areas to reach their new homes. But they understand that one can’t acquire anything without forgoing anything in return, even that which gives them strength through the worst of times. It’s the Americans of the pervious generations that provided the precious opportunity that has drawn millions to these shores. Its the Declaration of Independence that declares that all men are born “with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Immigrants are those who will brave thousands of miles seeking economic prosperity, stability, a home, a start and a new future. They leave behind their dissatisfactions and aim towards a new destination in hopes of finding better conditions. There has and still are millions of individuals who have endured poverty with dignity, but there is no inherent dignity in poverty so many take an initiative. They come to America, where Americans seek personal liberty, to live as they see fit, to worship as they please, with nothing and work hard to make their dreams reality just like those before them. Seeking freedom from the use of power wielded arbitrarily by whoever holds the political sword. It was the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution that followed it, that created a political regime for individuals who wished to be united with their countrymen not essentially by a common language, ethnic
background, or other accident of birth, but united by a love of liberty, respect for the freedom of others and an insistence on their own rights as set forth in the Declaration of Independence. The times have changed but the dream that brought everyone to the United States hasn’t. At the start of the 40’s when the country was entering another stage of war, WWII, the once defined roles of men and women began to change once again. As more and more men were required to fight overseas, women had a new task; helping in the war effort from the home front. Women began working in factories and having new responsibilities that demanded more from them than before. Women began wanted more than just a husband, a family, and a place to call home, they now had the opportunity to seek out employment, a new financial freedom that perviously wasn’t available to them. This would allow them to make their own money. However, as the war drew to a close instead of returning home, women began to take on more jobs in the workplace until they married or became pregnant. The new focus of the perfect American life had become to own a house in the Suburbs, have a steady job, get married, have kids, and keep up with the current news ( Desmond 1).