
What Does The Parable Of The Lost Coin Mean

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What Does The Parable Of The Lost Coin Mean
The Prodigal Son

Jesus tells the parables of “The Lost Sheep” and “The Lost Coin” as he was eating with the tax collectors and sinners. He tells the parables because he hears the Pharisees and the scribes murmuring about him accepting and eating with the sinners. The parable of the lost sheep is about a shepherd who has 100 sheep. When he loses one he leaves the 99 to look for the one that is lost. When he finds it he calls his neighbors and friends and tells them to rejoice for the return of his sheep. In the parable of the lost coin, Jesus tells a story of a woman who has 10 silver coins and when she loses one she does everything she can do find the coin. When she finds the coin she calls her friends and neighbors and tells them

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