He spends the beginning of the poem shows him passing calmly through the woods, unnoticing all the small details, focusing on what he can see, not what he observes. In a stark contrast, he knows he hated the prairies. He spent so little time there he found and saw all the small things that made it unbearable for him. These two characteristics showcase his bravery, even though it is in such a small way. The forest and the prairies could be metaphors for what he knows and understands, spends so much time with, that he doesn’t notice all the small parts that make it bas. The prairie is the state of mind that he does not like. He spends so little time there that he can notice all things wrong with it. His bravery is when he continues on, as it says that it “Was a kind of gratification, a sense of comfort, and repose even in the strain of running day after day. He forges on, with the forest being his comfort, and the prairies being his fears. Another major part of this poem and his journey is his comfort in what his mission is, as well as the courage to just keep on
He spends the beginning of the poem shows him passing calmly through the woods, unnoticing all the small details, focusing on what he can see, not what he observes. In a stark contrast, he knows he hated the prairies. He spent so little time there he found and saw all the small things that made it unbearable for him. These two characteristics showcase his bravery, even though it is in such a small way. The forest and the prairies could be metaphors for what he knows and understands, spends so much time with, that he doesn’t notice all the small parts that make it bas. The prairie is the state of mind that he does not like. He spends so little time there that he can notice all things wrong with it. His bravery is when he continues on, as it says that it “Was a kind of gratification, a sense of comfort, and repose even in the strain of running day after day. He forges on, with the forest being his comfort, and the prairies being his fears. Another major part of this poem and his journey is his comfort in what his mission is, as well as the courage to just keep on