A memorable symbol was the red hunting hat. The red hunting hat first came in when Holden bought the hat in New York, after he leaves the fencing foils on the train. The red …show more content…
The ducks first appear when Holden was at Mr. Spencer's house and asked about the ducks. Holden wonders where the ducks go during winter. Holden also wonders how they run away from their problems and how he can relate to them, “I was wondering where the ducks went in the lagoon got all icy and frozen over.” Salinger, exemplifies, this quote to shows Holden curiosity about where they hide in the icy weather. Holden is trying to run away from Allie’s death and is alienating himself. Holden says,“What I did, I started talking, sort of out loud, to Allie. I do that sometimes when I get very depressed.” Salinger highlights, this quote to show the reader Holden is very depressed about Allie’s death and he will not seek out for help because he doesn’t know how to ask for it. This relates to the ducks because it shows us instead of Holden facing his problems he is running away from them just like the ducks do during winter. Salinger wants us to think about how running away from our problem isn’t the easy way out. The way Salinger represents this in the novel is by using the pond and how it is freezing around the outside and the middle is just got some ice on top. This shows us that the ducks are forced to flee. Holden is also trying to flee from his problems because he thinks that people will make fun of him if he asks for