A wise man once said, “Someone once told me not to bite off more than I can chew. I said I'd rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity.” When you really take a good look around, you will realise that most people, often including ourselves live average and below par lives. We keep putting away the things we truly wish and dream to do and eventually find ourselves old and unable to fulfil our desires. Entire lifetimes have been wasted in this similar pattern but no one seems to realise what it is that they are repeatedly doing wrong. If you find yourself stuck in this very situation, it's time to break out. Today you are going to learn how to break the chains binding you to this exasperating rut and avoid settling for mediocrity. You are finally going to soar higher than ever before and shine like a burning star in the night sky. Today it's time for you to finally fuck average.
Are you a beast or a bitch?
Most people today are living average lives. They have a fixed weekly routine that rarely ever changes. This routine is taking them absolutely nowhere. They aren't growing as human beings; neither are they growing spiritually and mentally. They are like hardwired robots that are programmed to repeat the same routine each day. They live under the impression that the routine they are living is right for them because …show more content…
First and foremost what you need to begin with is bring in tons of love into your life. How can you do this? To bring love into your life you need to share and spread the love. You can achieve this by doing simple things like paying 3 people genuine compliments everyday. You can also go out and help the needy, get involved in animal welfare and volunteer at old age homes. When you are genuinely and unconditionally sharing and receiving love, you are never ever going to find yourself frustrated or