What Drives Your Life?
I observed that the basic motive for success is the driving force of envy and jealousy!
Ecclesiastes 4:4 (LB)
The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif, a nothing, a no man.
Thomas Carlyle
Everyone's life is driven by something.
Many people are driven by guilt.
The Bible says, "What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! ... What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record." Psalm 32:1
When Cain sinned, his guilt disconnected him from God's presence, and God said, "You will be a restless wanderer on the earth” Genesis 4:12
We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it. God's purpose is not limited by your past. He turned a murderer named Moses into a leader and a coward named Gideon into a courageous hero, and he can do amazing things with the rest of your life, too. God specializes in giving people a fresh start.
Many people are driven by resentment and anger. Listen: Those who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment. Your past is past! Nothing will change it. You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness. For your own sake, learn from it, and then let it go. The Bible says, "To worry yourself to death with resentment would be a foolish, senseless thing to do." Job 5:2
Many people are driven by fear. Regardless of the cause, fear-driven people often miss great opportunities because they're afraid to venture out. Instead they play it safe, avoiding risks and trying to maintain the status quo. Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be. You must move against it with the weapons of faith and love. The Bible says, "Well formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life fear of death, fear of judgment-is one not yet fully formed in love."