World history
Several factors contributed to Europeans take over of Africa. The biggest was that Europe had a technical advantage. And with them having technology that Africa didn't have, Europeans also had Machine guns leaving Africa with there outdated weapons that where little to no use to them. Africa got a lot of there imperial ideas from European countries that had better technology then them all European countries had better technology than Africa because they hadn't been moving with every other country in imperialism.
Q7 after the scramble for Africa territory had begun in the early 1880s French began to expand from the Africa coast towards southern Sudan. After Europe found out there was gold and diamonds and other raw materials that they could use for the industrial revolution in …show more content…
Reason one was for international shipping so it was an easy passage way through different countries to get shipments of goods around. And another thing why is it was used to get oil from place to place oil was a big thing back then that Britain needed and could get a lot of profit off of from selling it. Another big reason why they needed it was four to rule in Egypt when Egypt was granted independence the British security in the Suez Canal where taken and maintained by military forces. After Britain's security was broke British forces withDrew from the Canal Zone and after they withdrew Egyptian president nationalized the canal. But after Egyptian president nationalized the canal Britain in French secretly plotting with Israel to invade Egypt and regain control. After the fighting was done over the canal in 1957 the canal was returned to Egypt. The canal was returned to Egypt by the United Nations even so the actions of the British and French hadron Egypt to an alliance with the