George Whitefield came to America in 1738 and preached, which also had a big impact. Two of his friends, John and Charles Wesley, even helped to start the Methodist Revival in Mother England. The people in my community started coming back to God and seeing the wrong in their ways. Thousands of sinners came to know Christ, and many believers were revived. The people in my community prepared their hearts for religious and political freedom. We also started to have more worship in our churches, and we freely sang during the service. We also started new orphanages and colleges to spread God's love around to others. There was even a new missionary spirit that sparked, and it led many of our people to share their faith with those who did not believe. The Great Awakening gave us the much needed revival in our
George Whitefield came to America in 1738 and preached, which also had a big impact. Two of his friends, John and Charles Wesley, even helped to start the Methodist Revival in Mother England. The people in my community started coming back to God and seeing the wrong in their ways. Thousands of sinners came to know Christ, and many believers were revived. The people in my community prepared their hearts for religious and political freedom. We also started to have more worship in our churches, and we freely sang during the service. We also started new orphanages and colleges to spread God's love around to others. There was even a new missionary spirit that sparked, and it led many of our people to share their faith with those who did not believe. The Great Awakening gave us the much needed revival in our