What things stain your teeth? To start with you should never start smoking or use tobacco. The nicotine and tar in the cigarettes stain your teeth very drastically. You can’t even imagine how fast smoking stains your teeth. Other things that stain your teeth include red wine, tea, coffee, cola, and even sports drinks. You could probably image darkly colored foods and beverages tend to have the greatest effect on your teeth. “If you’re worried about spilling [the food or beverage] on your white tablecloth, you can be sure it’s got the potential to stain teeth,” says Matthew J. Messina, DDS. Because of …show more content…
To take care of your teeth you need to brush your teeth at least two times a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss once a day, visit your dentist regularly for a checkup and cleaning. After you eat the sugar on your teeth make the bacteria go crazy. The bacteria break the sugar on your teeth down into acid that eats away tooth enamel causing cavities. To get rid of this problem you would need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. The reason that you would need to brush your teeth at least twice a day is that after you eat you need to get rid of those bacteria so you don’t get cavities. If you don’t take care of your teeth then you will have a very sore mouth. Because of this eating will be much harder and you won’t enjoy it. And if you don’t look good you don’t feel good. Did you know that flossing does nearly 40% of the work that you need to remove sticky bacteria from your teeth. So when your dentist tells you that you need to floss you need to floss. If you are flossing and you start bleeding don’t worry bleeding means that your gums have plaque buildup and needs to be cleaned