For my teaching venture to be a success I need to remember that inevitably my class will always comprise of students with very varied capabilities. Knowing such information will enable me as a teacher to vary the ways in which I teach my class. The mere understanding that different individuals master learning in different ways will enable me to plan my activities to that effect. One way of facilitating fair play would be to establish through one way or another different learning styles of my pupils. I will then go on to sit learners according their learning styles, and by so doing every learner can then be allowed to employ their learning style, without being intimidated by being different from peers. Inevitably some learn better through diagrams, some through logical thinking, some do well with sound and vision etc. The mere fact that people learnt differently, is a good thing because then many strategies will be used and hence the likelihood of students
For my teaching venture to be a success I need to remember that inevitably my class will always comprise of students with very varied capabilities. Knowing such information will enable me as a teacher to vary the ways in which I teach my class. The mere understanding that different individuals master learning in different ways will enable me to plan my activities to that effect. One way of facilitating fair play would be to establish through one way or another different learning styles of my pupils. I will then go on to sit learners according their learning styles, and by so doing every learner can then be allowed to employ their learning style, without being intimidated by being different from peers. Inevitably some learn better through diagrams, some through logical thinking, some do well with sound and vision etc. The mere fact that people learnt differently, is a good thing because then many strategies will be used and hence the likelihood of students