Eat? Sleep? Play? Exactly. Plus I wouldn't have to be told what to do very often. Because the only things they could tell me what to do is go eat or go play. Plus who likes having responsibilities? People always counting on you, it gets rough sometimes. You usually get more toys and stuff for Holidays. I don't even get half the stuff I used to get. But my cousins who are 4-5 they get a million presents. Me? I'm stuck with 10 being the most. Plus when you're five you don't have to worry about how cool or un cool you are because no one cares. Also it doesn't matter hoe good you are at stuff because yeah its cool but you're only
Eat? Sleep? Play? Exactly. Plus I wouldn't have to be told what to do very often. Because the only things they could tell me what to do is go eat or go play. Plus who likes having responsibilities? People always counting on you, it gets rough sometimes. You usually get more toys and stuff for Holidays. I don't even get half the stuff I used to get. But my cousins who are 4-5 they get a million presents. Me? I'm stuck with 10 being the most. Plus when you're five you don't have to worry about how cool or un cool you are because no one cares. Also it doesn't matter hoe good you are at stuff because yeah its cool but you're only