(A Recollection of a journey from Bodh Gaya to Patna Junction)
The preaching hall overflew with the devotees with supreme mirth at their hearts to receive the sacred empowerment from His Holiness. It was on 10th January, 2012, the final day of His Holiness’s 32nd Kalachakra Empowerment at Bodh Gaya; the sacred seat of Buddha Dharma. Personally, it was my first ever journey to the place inside Bihar and so for Kalachakra. It enthralled me for being able to attend this time with my grandpa who just arrived from Tibet. Generally, it had been an indelible mark on the wall of my memoir to learn how to adjust in such a crowd from various countries across the globe. For the first time in my life, I have seen how a human being can actually be beast in times of achieving his needs and the public scene brought me back to the Darvian theory of ‘‘Survival of the fittest”. I was both one among the spectators as well as the participants of the whole public scene where a man really doesn’t heed to see what is happening with the small child and the aged grandparents under his feet while rushing after the sacred threads and the ritual sanctified breads. I couldn’t really believe my eyes to see a grandma next to me was so greedy enough to hide three breads inside her Chupa pocket in front of thousand eyes , while leaving others without even a piece of it. Every morning, I see people fighting for their seats and it just offended me severely to see a group of grandmas from Dharamsala who were not ready to accept the genuine culture of first come first seat and claimed their seats on the very onset of His Holiness’s empowerment and boiled my blood inside with their offensive murmurs just at my ear drum! With the completion of His Holiness empowerment arount 11a.m, I had to hurry to my room for I had scheduled my train ticket from Patna Junction to Bangalore City in the evening though Mandala Offering and other public addresses were