Eric Arthur Blair, or commonly known through his pen name George Orwell, was born on June 25, 1903 in Motihari, India. Born as the son of Richard Blair and Ida Limouzim, Eric lived in a lower-upper middle class family (Merriman 1), and by the age of eight he was sent to a boarding school where he discovered his love for writing. While attending school Eric noticed that the school treated the wealthier students much better than the poorer ones (Biography 2), in terms of the education and attention that was being provided to them regardless of this he still received a scholarship to attend Wellington and Eton College to continue his studies. And after his completion of school, he didn't have enough money to join a university, so he joined the Imperial Police Force (Winter 1).
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The animals established rules, so that they may live in peace. As time passed their tyrant, the pig, slowly twist the rules they've established from "All animals are equal" to "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" which now contradicts itself. Animal farm depict a about the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. For example Napoleon would represent Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator, and Squealer would represent the newspapers during the Soviet era that