
What inspired Hitler and the Nazi’s to start WWII and to attempt genocide against the Jews and other inferior races?

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What inspired Hitler and the Nazi’s to start WWII and to attempt genocide against the Jews and other inferior races?
Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler the Nazi Party grew into a mass movement and ruled Germany through totalitarianism. Founded in 1919 as the German Workers’ Party, the group promoted German pride and anti-Semitism, and expressed dissatisfaction with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the peace settlement that ended WWI and required Germany to make numerous concessions and reparations. The Treaty of Versailles is the main reason for WWII. The harsh war reparations forced on Germany after WWI on top of inflation caused economic hardship worse than the Great Depression in America. The fact that the treaty also forced Germany to decrease their military and give up land upset and broke up Germany. Now to add insult to injury, the Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to accept all responsibility for the war, even though they were not the only country at blame. The Treaty of Versailles sought to punish Germany for WWI and in doing this they set the stage for WWII. The terrible conditions in Germany after WWI because of the treaty left the German people miserable due to the extreme poverty. Unhappy as they were and with a weak republic government Germany looked to a stronger more capable leader, Adolf Hitler. The leader the Germans found was a brilliant, capable man who did actually fix many of the problems the German people had such as lack of jobs, food, and money. Unfortunately he was also a power hungry dictator who decided to blame all of Germany’s problems on the Jews, eventually leading to the Holocaust and World War II.

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