It would start off with an inspirational quote to end the day for one shift and begin the night for another. Next patient status was covered. This covered important information that all the nurses should be aware of, such as fall risk and contact precautions. Other information in the huddle included the hospital goals, unit goals, performance reviews, improvement opportunities, and announcements. The huddle was a good way to make sure that everyone was on the same page and receiving the same …show more content…
There are five main ethical principles that can serve as a basis in the nursing practice (Education, 2018). First is respect for the patient’s autonomy. Each patient has the right to act as their own free agent (Education, 2018). The patient should be free to make their own decisions and live their lives as they wish as long as it does not negatively impacting the lives others. Second is to do no harm or non-maleficence. Our interactions should never cause harm to others, and we should not engage in any activities that run the risk of harming others (Education, 2018). The third is beneficence. A nurses actions should help prevent or remove harm or to improve the situation of others. A nurse should be actively promoting the health and well-being of others. Fourth is being just. This is the golden rule; treat others as you wish to be treated. A nurse needs to keep fair judgment when the rights of one individual or group are balanced against another. The last principal of nursing that can serve as a basis is fidelity. The state of being faithful, loyal, truthful, keeping your promises, and showing the patient respect. “Failure to remain faithful in dealing with others denies individuals the full opportunity to exercise free choice in a relationship, therefore limiting their autonomy (Education,