
What Is A Scapegoat

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What Is A Scapegoat
A scapegoat is a person or an animal which takes on the sins of others, or is unfairly blamed for problems. The idea comes primarily from Leviticus, in which a goat is designated to be cast into the desert with the sins of the society. Other ancient societies had similar practices. For example, in psychology and sociology, the act of selecting somebody as a scapegoat has prompted to the idea of scapegoating. Scapegoats have been used everywhere throughout the world and at all times, even before the existence of life, during slavery, until the moment we live in “the 21st century”. These goals are usually outsiders, a group of people who can be readily dehumanized, and they come in all stripes: mythology, religion, sports, sex, and politics and …show more content…
According to Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman and the first scapegoat. Earth was a happy place before the existence of Pandora, free from disturbance and struggle. Men only existed they were created by The Titan Prometheus a god known as a swindler. One day, he got in a fight with Zeus the father of Greek gods and he was displeased because he stole fire from heaven and gave it to mankind. Zeus was angry and wanted revenge, he told Hephaestus to create a woman. Hephaestus, the god of the forge, obliged and molded Pandora out of clay and endowed her with the beauty and cunning. He then delivered her to Epimetheus, the younger brother of Prometheus, as a bride. Before she arrived on Earth, Zeus gave Pandora a box pithos and told her never to open it. Zeus was a wily codger and knew Pandora's curiosity would be too much for her to handle. As expected, Pandora opened the box releasing the swarm of evil spirits trapped within. They would ever afterwards plague mankind and unleashing all the troubles humans face today. Since then we have been condemned to work hard, get older and weak, and finally die. According to Greek mythology people has been blaming her for the act she has done to humanity becoming the Outcast of the …show more content…
Her disobedience caused the trouble and evil we are facing today by her sin responsibility for pursuing Adam to eat the apple. People from everywhere and with their own different languages think the same way that it is Eve’s fault. Even though it is Adam’s fault eating the apple when Adam was talking to God he put the blame on her. In “Eve Speaks” by Louis Untermeyer, Eve is trying to defend herself and asks God before judging her of eating the apple to listen to her view. She argues that Eden is a place for child’s play and angelic calm, but not a place for Adam. Adam now is neither child nor angel, he was formed to struggle, fall, fight, and create. She thought that there is something farther than just having fun, living comfortably and laughing, it’s living the struggles and facing them. As stated in the

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