Toby Keith’s “American Soldier” demonstrates examples of pathos, ethos, and logos. The song explains a soldier’s feelings and responsibilities at hand. The emotions shown through the song are thankfulness, intenseness, and courageousness. The sound of the song is very soft in the beginning and picks up when he begins to talk about the duty he has. Ironically, the music change makes sense because he has to balance his time between work and family, and family is calming, while work on the other hand is intense. Toby Keith establishes credibility because he lives in America, knowing that freedom doesn’t come free, and the song is written in first person, describing when the songwriter went overseas. Toby Keith also establishes logos in his song…
In my point of view the song is very descriptive and has personal touches from the song writer, as he had family and friends involved in the Vietnam War.…
What makes this album so very innovative, is the way Dylan combined a driving blues-based style of music with a subtle touch of poetry in his lyrics, something as we know, Dylan was widely acclaimed for. The album’s critical appeal is mainly down to Bob’s skillful use of imagery in his lyrics created through metaphors, stories etc. Dylan uses the way of painting images to successfully communicate a story to the…
This song gives the story of one young man who through the outbreak of war takes a new path which ultimately leads him to Vietnam fighting for his country. As is “the story of Tom Brennan” the main character experiences a fear of what lies ahead but rather than the clique fear of death and destruction which the character seems reasonably naive to it is rather a fear of the ramifications and aftermaths of an event that changes the young mans life for ever. “And I can still hear Frankie, lying screaming in the…
In this song, Robeson voices how America restricts black people from their rights with laws separating them from white people. When Robeson performed at a concert in New York for the Civil Rights Congress, “hundreds of protestors stormed the stage, pelted the musicians with rocks or slammed them with chairs, and burned the ‘Dirty Commie’ song sheets. Police did little to intervene, but Robeson vowed to return the following week”. Even though he had gotten a negative reaction from the crowd during his performance, Robeson continued to protest against segregation laws through his music. Another song that protested against these policies was “Strange Fruit” by Billie Holiday.…
“Can anyone imagine a fate more horrible than to find that one is blind? To realize that the beautiful things one hears about — one will never see? Such was the heart-rending fate of Lemon Jefferson…he could hear — and he heard the sad hearted, weary people of his homeland, Dallas — singing weird, sad melodies at their work and play, and unconsciously he began to imitate them — lamenting his fate in song.”…
Like James Baldwin said “only an artist can tell and only an artist have told, since we have heard of man, what it is like for anyone that gets this planet, to survive it. What it is like to die, or to have somebody die, what it is like to fear death, what is it like to fear, what it is like to love, what it is like to be glad.” Music expresses the pain, suffering, love and all sorts of emotions that we cannot express but just normal verbal means. Artists talk about the depressing topics that we are afraid to talk about and express our inner emotions for us and give us a sense of relief that someone else can relate to us. In the revelation of the narrator at the end of the story he realized that of all the things he been through that there is still light at the end of the tunnel because he still have his brother, they are surviving and living.…
Toby Keith is one of the best country singers of his generation and many would say one of the greatest of all time. Toby Keith has many notable awards some being, Entertainer of the Year, Album of the Year, Top Male Vocalist and also Video of the Year. This list keeps going on as he has won many of these awards in consecutive years. Keith started in 1993 and is still currently releasing songs today. One of Toby Keith’s song “American Ride” was released in October of 2009, this was his nineteenth number one single released. It has a deeper meaning then some of his other songs. He lists off politically oriented issues in the USA and where we were in 2009 as a nation and how we are slowly moving away from what used to be, but he also still claims how much he loves America. He uses many different unique styles in this song such as ethos, pathos, logos, and also kairos. Not only does he use these different tactics but he also does some things his own way. His own style is still as affective as any other.…
Being an American means that everyone is treated equally no matter what race or skin color someone has. Also being an American means that you have the right and freedom to do anything that you want to do. If you are American people look up to you to see if you are doing the right things you should be doing and also doing things to help people or your community. One thing about being American is that you can live your life to the fullest. Another thing that Americans do is that they tend to capture the beauty in everyday life. Lastly, if you are an American you should have pride in the country that you live…
Early American writers have made long-lasting contributions to developing and explaining American beliefs, values, and culture. St. John de Crevecoeur's "What is an American" sets out to describe what makes an American an American. Through the analysis of American government, beliefs, culture, and values Crevecoeur explains to the world what an American encompasses.…
In this day and age, to be American is something frequently mocked. With all the stereotypes, it makes us wonder what it truly means to be American. Does it mean to be fat and unhealthy? Greedy and demanding? Racist and Harsh? This is the brand we are all marked with as a whole nation, but I reject these labels. To be an American is something we should be proud of. By the definition I see, it is something to be proud of, even in the darkest and harshest of times when we do things we will never forgive; these are just mistakes that many make, and it shouldn't deter us from taking pride in morals this country holds.…
What does it mean to be american? It's not a question someone could answer so easily you at least take a minute to think about it. Since the founding of the United states of America, Americans have struggled to answer the question. There is so much to be said but no right answer everyone has their own opinions. I believe that Rihanna’s song “American Oxygen” really speaks about being american very well. With almost 69 millions views it really sends a strong message to anyone wondering what it is to be american. At first it may just sound like a normal pop song but when you actually listen and read the lyrics individually they are quite touching.…
What being an American means to me is that I have the rights to do anything. Even though we are able to have all of these rights doesn’t mean we are able to take advantage of them there are still consequences for our actions. All the people in the Navy, Army, Air-force etc have the job to protect us, not everyone who shoots people just because. Being an American to me means being respectful to everyone. Like what Harry S Truman said, “you know that being an American is more than a matter of where your parents came from. It is a belief that all men are created equally and that everyone deserves an even break.” Being an American means to be brave loyal and kind to everyone no matter what. We…
Outside of camp meetings, religion also influenced many popular songs, laying the groundwork for twentieth-century country musicians. As stated in section II.B.3 of Roots & Traditions, Joseph Philbreck Webster’s “Sweet By and By” was continuously published in the rural South throughout the nineteenth-century and into the twentieth-century and was recorded by country musicians Sid Harkreaderer and Grady Moore. “Sweet By and By” incorporated themes of death, righting of wrongs, and reuniting with loved ones in heaven[1]. Modern country music is overflowing with songs that encompass identical themes. One example is…
American culture is a mixture of cultural diversity and a shared common identity which leads many to wonder what aspect should be of main focus, or at what cost does our cultural differences have to be sacrificed in order to establish a common identity. Many people dream about being an American because they envision America as the land of prosperity, peace and unity. Is it really? America is yet to be a united place of prosperity and peace when everyone who is part of it is in constant battle with one another. Instead of being united and prosper as one, we create labels and barriers that divide each other. The importance of being united has lost its value because everyone has forgotten what being an American is all about.…