Background info:
What is Amylase?
Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates. It is produced in the pancreas and the salivary glands.
(Dugdale & Longstreth, 2011)
Factors Affecting Amylase:
Things that affect the efficiency of Amylase are temperature and pH levels.
(Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 2013)
Function in the body:
The function of Amylase in the human body is to break down plant-based starch sources. Therefore, providing the human body with more sources of energy. Animals such as chimpanzees do not secrete Amylase and therefore their diet consists of fruits and meats.
(GMO Compass, 2010)
Works Cited
Dugdale, D. C., & Longstreth, G. F. (2011, 4 2). Amylase. Retrieved 3 7, 2013, from MedlinePlus: …show more content…
GMO Compass.
(2010, 7 10). Amylase. Retrieved 3 7, 2013, from GMO Compass:
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (2013, February 21). Amylase. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from Wikipedia:
Aim: is to find out what the pH level of Amylase is.
Controlled variables: are amount of amylase, starch, iodine, buffer solution and time.
Independent variables: are the different buffer solutions being used.
Dependant variables: are the different pH levels being registered.
My hypothesis is that the Amylase will register at around a
Potential hazards: * Spillage of iodine, starch, amylase or buffer solution on clothing or on skin. * Broken glass apparatus.
* Wear gloves and lab coat. * Alert teacher to glass shards should it occur.
Buffer Solution (pH) | Average amount of drops | Reaction time ml/sec | 2 | 46 | 0.04 | 4 | 40 | 0.05 | 7 | 128 | 0.015 | 10 | >650 | 70.003 |
Buffer solution 10 required 650 drops of iodine and it did not reveal a result. Buffer solution 7 required 128 drops to reveal a result. Buffer solution 2 required 46 drops of iodine. However, buffer solution 4 required the least amount of iodine drops (40 drops).
These results show that pH 7&10 are too high indicating that the pH level isn’t 7 or 10. The results of 2 and 4 are very close together but 4 was lower. Thus showing that the Amylase sample we used was of pH level 4.
My Hypothesis was rejected, as the Amylase we were testing was an artificially synthesised version of Maltose. The Amylase found in the salivary glands.
Our results showed that this form of Amylase was of similar pH (pH 4-5) to that of the Amylase found in the salivary glands of human beings. The most probable reason why the pH 10 buffer solution did yield any results even up to 650 drops of iodine solution indicates, that the buffer solution was too high for any visual change to be confirmed by the human eye. This doesn’t mean that there were no reactions; it just means no visible reaction could be seen with the human eye.
One of the major problems with this test is that there wasn’t any accurate ways of determining what the result was. This is because we had to use our eyes to observe colour changes. This could be inaccurate as not everyone’s interpretation of the result was the same.
Major random errors that occurred in the experiment are that not all drop sizes would be the same as the pipette was not very accurate. Some groups also used a combination of pipettes and syringes to measure the various liquids. Another one was when one finished with a test tube, beaker or tile when they washed off the previous samples, there could have been droplets of water left on it, thus diluting the iodine and messing up the results.
Some systematic errors was that the 10 second mark was too short and that by the time you have already taken some drops out of the test tube and placed it on the tile the continuing 10 second mark would have already arrived.
Ways to improve the experiment would have been to use beakers instead of using test tubes. That way you wouldn’t be falling all behind in the time periods. A way to increase the accuracy of the results, would have been to place the iodine drops, on the white tile when the solution have been mixed not at the start of the experiment. This was because that the iodine was starting to dry up by the time we got to that part of the experiment.
In summary, the result shows the hypothesis disproven and that the pH level of the Amylase was a four. In addition, the results show that the Amylase was similar to that of the Amylase in the human salivary glands.