While her sisters played with dolls, she hunted with her her father. Eventually, her first shot (a squirrel straight through the eye) happened, and she considered it her best until death. She loved to emphasize her femininity by wearing dresses while she hunted. She sewed and cooked just like she was expected too, which she loved, but she loved to get down and dirty in the meantime. She loved to hunt and identify plants and see the outside world, all while looking “proper”. She always had her hair done even in her years in the limelight, which her husband found amusing. She was able to pay off her mother’s mortgage by selling her game at the age of 14.As a younger woman (around the age of 16-17) she meant a Nnative Aamerican tribe leader.., She helped him with some things and sold him game. They were good friends and he gave her two nicknames that he called her: “Watanya Cecilia and Little Sure Shot, for she was only 5’0”.
When she was a little older (around the age of 18-20) she competed in competitions. Jack Frost, a hotel owner, noticed how good she was and set her up for a shooting contest against a very well known and competitive man who had never lost a match: Frank E. Butler. She competed against him willingly and excitedly. Annie won the match by making 25 out of 25 shots (Butler had only made 24). She had won Butler’s heart in the meantime, and they had a lengthy courtship and …show more content…
She even entertained for Queen Victoria by shooting a cigarette out of Victoria’s friend’s mouth. She stayed in the traveling shows for 15 years with her husband and her George.
Annie had a huge court case with William Randolph Hearst, where she sued him for libel and forced him to pay her $27,000.00. He had said she was arrested for stealing men’s pants for resale for her cocaine addiction. Annie ended up filing 55 cases and won 54. Hearst almost went bankrupt because of this case. Annie was proud of her way of dealing with this case.
A few years before Annie had died, she and her husband got into a crippling car accident. Her leg was never the same, but to show her drive and passion for her way of life, she performed once more in 1924. When she retired she had plenty hobbies like hunting, fishing, and teaching marksmanship to other women. Her death saddened the country and many others. There were many tributes to her after her death, and her husband coincidentally died 18 days