Factual or Fiction?
Anthropomorphism 's influence on the production of Natural History programming
Anthropomorphism, historically, has been looked down upon in scientific circles due to concerns many in academia have of misrepresenting animal behaviours in their work (Karlsson, F., 2011). While there has been some research to suggest that anthropomorphism could be a useful conservation tool (Chan, A., 2012), I want to examine whether it is appropriate for Natural History programmes to use anthropomorphism as a tool to further their own narrative whilst maintaining a scientific veneer over the genre. Should most Natural history programming be reclassified as entertainment rather than factual? To answer …show more content…
The emotional connection which occurs from using such techniques can help programme makers and biologists to raise awareness of problems which may affect certain species such as poaching, deforestation, over fishing etc. Several academic papers have proposed that anthropomorphism certainly has the potential to be a powerful aid to conservation biologists and improve animal welfare in general (Butterfield, M,. 2011). The reasoning is that this will increase empathy towards the target species, raising awareness and willingness to take action to protect such species (Chan, A., 2012). The difficulty which those same studies have recognised is in striking the correct balance and properly informing their audience of all the varying factors which come into play. One possible scenario which could arise from this is that the public ends up favouring one species over another because of the empathy induced towards the target species. For example, consider a situation where a documentary shows an Impala with its calf, persuades the public of its human characteristics and that they should be protected. If a predator then eats the calf, or mother, public reaction may be detrimental to the predator population and adversely effect the biodiversity of the local ecosystem. This would completely undermine their conservation objectives and potentially …show more content…
Using anthropomorphism to develop an emotional connection with the audience can backfire and provoke an emotional reaction to the programme when the audiences expectations are subverted. To describe a programme as factual when an entirely humanised narrative has been grafted on to footage of entirely natural behaviours does a disservice to both the audience and the subjects of the programmes. There is evidence to suggest that anthropomorphism can be an effective conservation tool but that it must be used carefully and in a considered manner. It is also important to inform and educate the audience whilst doing this so that they don 't lose sight of what the programme or film is trying to