3.Kant’s categorical imperative: this model focuses on the universal outcome of an action or behavior. It looks at how one’s actions could affect the world if they were taken as a universal law. Kant looked at people doing the right thing as a sense of duty even if their character inclined them to do otherwise. It looks at the universality of one’s actions; can it be applied to everyone. 4.Utilitarianism: focuses on the outcome of an action to determine whether it is ethical or not. Focusing on consequences of an action make it easier to determine whether the action is good or bad because it is easier to identify the benefits and harm based on those affected. 5.Pluralistic theory: is based on the argument that there are always competing ethical values simultaneously. There arises the issue of the good and the right are equal if the circumstances are the same and duties have more moral weight due to the highly personal nature of duty. This model is more applicable for professionals who are duty-bound to do the right …show more content…
Journalists and their viewers are partners and all demand respect from each other.Sufficiency is allocating suitable resources to important issues. It also means thoroughness which means checking people and documents completely before beginning to write. Tenacity is knowing when astory is important enough to require additional effort. It drives journalists to provide all the details they can regardless of what the assignment was.Trump Comments, Infuriating Africans, May SetBack U.S InterestsBy Kimon de Greef and Sewel Chan. The New York TimesThe article addresses the remarks made towards Haiti and African countries as ‘shithole countries.’ The article demonstrates a high level of accuracy by attempting to use as many direct quotes and citing the source of the quotes. This is very important because it ensures that the quote is accurate and the report is devoid of lies. For example, the authors quote Clayson Monyela the spokesman for South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation as having said, “The African and international reaction to the alleged statements clearly serve as a united affirmation of the dignity of the people of Africa and the African diaspora.” This is quoted exactly as said which makes this article one that exhibits