While convincing, C. S. Lewis points out that these notions of standard are timeless through examples. Firstly, a very classical example of war where it is just and prideful in all respects to rush into battle rather than scurry away in fear. A man’s pride will always overtake any situation especially in battle where men will be revered for their bravery. Secondly, there is a sense of selflessness that surrounds all ages. “You ought not to put yourself first.” Truly, humility will always be honored for those who help the sick, wounded, and less fortunate. You may not simply prance around with an inflated ego and demand others to do what you say. Ancient antiquity wrote profusely on matters of hubris being the downfall of the character which taught a lesson of selflessness in a cathartic …show more content…
S. Lewis describes the New Man as rare, yet distinguishable. The New Man is different in voice and face mainly “stronger, quieter, happier, [and] more radiant.” These are educated men and women in their faith. They show humility and reservations in their dealings because they are calculated. Theses men and women “recognize one another immediately” from all walks of life. They are a “secret society” of Christians who know and understand their faith. On the reversal of this, there are the cradle Catholics. These men and women are born into the Catholic faith and never truly soul search into their faith and what it means for them. Even further, there are those that are converts to Christianity, yet lack the morals of a good Christian person. He or she may claim to be of the Christian faith but have no positive change in their outward behavior. This type of conversion is critiqued as imaginary. He or she did not search for a greater truth in God or a better life in God. There always requires a yearning for God that the New Man knows and understands his place in society. The New Man shows no complacency in his or her faith for there is always that yearning for knowledge. The New Man has put forth his life to God. He does not feel any pressure from society to conform, and giving up the false sense of self, the New Man will find his real self. It is only when we act natural do we begin to have our own originality. When we look to Christ and we submit to him, there is no “hatred,