Ross became a mentor for Chavez, this being because Ross had been trained by Saul Alynsky, the man who help create the Industrial Areas Foundation. Alynsky methods where not based on spirituality but on social reconstruction. “His approached included listening to the needs of the people, identifying the issue and grass-roots leaders, training the leaders doing research on the issue and galvanize the people, reflection and evaluation, and continued “strategies and actions” until the goals are accomplished” (Mich 167). This method allowed for Chavez to succeed for he implemented it. Cesar not only listen to the people but knew their struggles for he had lived them. Yet, still he went on to speak to the people and listened to what they had to say. He decided that in order for others to trust him he himself had to endure their struggle and went on to work in the fields again. As seen in the film, Chavez went on to explaining to the people what occurred with the products they harvested and who it went to. This research brought awareness to the workers. Although it took some time, …show more content…
With non-violence Cesar demonstrated both his spirituality and his understanding of Alinsky’s plan. Chavez used strikes, boycotts, pilgrimage and fasting as a non-violent response. “Chavez used the fast and the pilgrimage to focus their energy and transform their anger” (Mich 174). The workers had endured many aggressions from authority figures such as police man, supervisor and higher ranks. Chavez was aware of the resentment many had, therefore when the strike was proposed Chavez declared that the workers should commit to be nonviolence (169). As the strike progressed, and due to little response from company leaders, Chavez and the union leaders decided to continue on with a boycott. “The boycott brought attention to the farm workers movement” (170). Many farm workers would travel to other cities and tried to speak to the people about their struggle. Through this many of the workers came back feeling confident and optimistic. Many of the workers used this opportunity to channel much of their hate and oppression for the greater good. As the boycott and strike had much success Chavez also used pilgrimage as a way to honor all the effort and as a response to certain events. Union picketers where sprayed with poisonous pesticides, as a response to this event Chavez came up with a 300-mile pilgrimage (170). The pilgrimage would not only have an impact on the public but it would