To begin, Charlie’s outcome for Stage Eight is negative because he starts to deny his decreasing intelligence. For example, when Charlie tries to take the rorschach test, he does not “remember what” he has to do and …show more content…
When he is writing his last progress report, he does not know why he turned “dumb agen” and worries if the reason is because he “dint try hard enuf or just some body put the evel eye on me”. However, he decides that he will “practis very hard” and “get a littel smarter and no what all the words are” (Keyes 310). This shows that Charlie is not satisfied with his life because he turned dumb again and can no longer understand the things he used to. Although he tries be hopeful, he is still not yet fully sure if he can turn smart once again. He is deeply scarred and pained because he misses having intelligence and different abilities. Just like many people who are disappointed with their life and fear death, Charlie is also not satisfied with his life and desires to fulfill it by getting his intelligence