The ethics and values delineated in the code of conduct provide guidance to all employees when working with consumers and the general public. These values and ethics are they dictate how Chipotle handles professionalism, finances, confidential information, communications, and conflicts of interest. More importantly, Chipotle’s values are critical to the long term growth and value of the business for the following reasons: 1) values are how you hire, 2) values are how you change …show more content…
To increase employee participation in the social responsive activities, employees exceeding 20 plus quarter (i.e. 4 months) will receive a certification of recognition. In addition, those who participate will receive bonus points that can potentially result in the following employee benefits or incentives once specific criteria is met: 1) additional paid time off (PTO) hours, 2) consideration for promotion, 3) superiority in regards to work schedule preference, 4) designated parking space, and/or 5) gift card to company store. Furthermore, the three (3) social responsive activities for this fiscal year are defined as follows: 1) community development program, 2) philanthropy and 3) recycling and reducing energy …show more content…
As a company that generates different types of waste (i.e. food, plastic, cardboard, etc.), these wastes can be recycled and not sent to the local landfills. All Chipotle restaurants will be required to supply all customers with recyclable bags along with incentives for returning the bag at any Chipotle restaurants. Additionally, each establishment will be responsible for having designated material bins outside. These proactive steps will continue to ensure Chipotle takes a stand in helping the community stay