1. Ethics - a set of moral principles, the study of morality
2. Moral Philosophy – Wisdom or knowledge of what is right and what is wrong
3. Christian – Followers of Christ
4. Secular – non-religious sort
5. Ambassadors - representatives
II. Summary A. Book
1. Christian ethics means a systematic study of the way of life exemplified and taught by Jesus, applied to the manifold problems and decisions of human existence
2. It may mean the best in the moral philosophy of all ages and places, the moral standards of Christendom, the ethics of the Christian Church and its many churches, the ethics of the Bible, the ethics of the New Testament, and the ethical insights of Jesus.
3. Christian Ethics is our Christian guide; an adequate, a dependable, and an indispensable guide to Christian action in what we know of Jesus and in what through him we know of God.
4. Christian ethics is on unsafe grounds if it either sells its birthright by accommodation to secular standards or refuses to respect and learn from the moral wisdom of the ages.
5. Our Christian ethics is the formation of our better judgment in face of moral conditions wherein we are asked on what to believe and how to act. B. Journal
1. Christian ethics is not a theory, model, framework, or human or divine intellectual construct.
2. It is about "who we are called to be" rather than a set of "rules" or "who we want to be." And who we are called to be is in Christ Jesus.
3. We are created anew to do good things he has planned to "live in him and see to it that no one takes captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
4. We know "God works for the good of those who have been called according to his purpose," to be conformed into Christ 's likeness. As Christ 's ambassadors, God makes his appeal to the world through us.
5. The Christian life is much more
References: * Book: Harkness, G. (1957). Christian Ethics. United States: Abingdon Press. * Salladay, S. (2008).Christian Ethics: A Christian Code of Ethics. Journal of Christian Nursing, 25, 167. * Internet: http://www.gotquestions.org/Christian-ethics.html