Assessment includes long-term (current) use of opiate analgesic, myalgia, cervicalgia, chronic pain due to trauma and headache.…
KIDNEY: (dull constant ache) Not always present if pt has renal disease (don’t have w/ proteinuria or hematuria) Have CVA tenderness (hit hand over kidney), lower abdominal pain, intermittent pain(indicates renal stones), flank pain (side) N/V, diaphoresis, s/sx of shock. Cause: Acute obstruction like stone, clot…
As per medical report dated 4/12/16, patient has multiple pain complaints such as lumbosacral symptoms, thoracic symptoms, cervical symptoms, right shoulder symptoms, right wrists symptoms, and headache symptoms. The pain in the lumbar and thoracic area are aggravated by flexion at the waist, torso rotation, prolonged static positions of rest, lifting /carrying greater than 15 pounds, pushing/pulling greater than 15…
Assessments include chronic pain syndrome, cervical radiculitis, cervical disc degeneration of intervertebral disc, cervical facet arthropathy/spondylosis, cervical post laminectomy syndrome, cervicalgia, shoulder osteoarthrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, rule out choric regional pain syndrome, Type 1 upper limb and shoulder pain.…
He does have some pain control with the use of the Duragesic patches and Norco. It was noted that the psychological evaluation has helped him cope with pain level. The patient is complaining of a new pain in lower back, that is worse when he sits and it is radiating down the legs. He is wondering if there is anything that can be done. He said he has had injections in the past that seemed to help in 2012. Current medications include Duragesic, Norco, Lexapro, Prilosec, Xanax, and Tegaderm. Of note, last urine drug screen is dated 7/14/16 (no report). Objective findings notes that the patient is in mild distress and arises slowly from a seated position. He has tenderness across the lumbosacral junction. He has pain with flexion and extension. With straight leg raising, he is complaining of symptoms down the posterior thighs and calves bilaterally. IW was diagnosed with status post lumbar fusion at L5-S1 on 9/7/2009, spondylolisthesis at L5-S1, status post cord stimulator trial on 1/4/13 with poor response; and depression/anxiety due to his chronic…
Pain decreases with rest and lying down. She also complains of numbness, swelling and insomnia. She was placed in physical therapy and she has attended six sessions. She was taken off work on 5/30/14. She has allergy to cortisone. Her past surgical history is significant for left shoulder surgery on 3/4/15. Examination of left shoulder reveals three arthroscopic scars status-post distal clavicle surgery. There is tenderness to palpation of the greater tuberosity. There is also tenderness to palpation anteriorly and over the distal clavicle. She has limited range of motion of the left shoulder including 50 degrees of extension, 135 degrees of flexion, 70 degrees of internal rotation, 60 degrees of external rotation, 110 degrees of abduction and 50 degrees of adduction. There is some weakness of the subscapularis on the left. The patient has a positive Hawkin’s impingement maneuver. As per progress report dated 6/10/16, then patient returns for evaluation of the left shoulder. She has been authorized for evaluation of the left shoulder. Her right shoulder continues to be painful as well. The patient describes her pain as a constant aching pain that is rated at…
Why?- The is diagnosis is characterized by leg pain greater than back pain which worsen with standing and walking and improves with rest or when the spine is flexed. The patient has a c/o right lower dull back pain, rated 7/10 with radiation to buttocks and below the…
I would assess pain in a geriatric patient who is alert by questioning the patient directly, do…
References: Smith, Nathalie, RN, MSN, CNP. Grose, Sara, MSN, RN, PHN, CNL, CLE. August 2010. Pain Assessment in Older Adults. Retrieved from http://www.ebscohost.com/uploads/poc/pdf/NRC_skillPaper.pdf…
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This 40-year-old Latin female presents with complaints of low back and right leg pain. She said that she hurt her back in a motor vehicle accident three years ago and she has had a history of intermittent low back pain since that time. Last December she started a job where she had to lift boxes that weighed approximately 40 pounds. Around the first of…
-When assessing my patient’s pain I would be sure to use a universal scale in order to achieve the best…
tenderness in eleven to eighteen of tender-point sites. These points include: the neck, the shoulders, the…
CAUTI is diagnosed if the patient has an indwelling catheter for more than two days, and at least one of the following signs or symptoms: fever (>100.4 ºF), suprapubic tenderness with no other cause, and costovertebral angle pain or tenderness (Neelakanta…
Pain is not a simple sensation that can be easily assessed and measured. Nurses should be aware of the many…
Sampson, E. Kitchen, G. (2012) North west dementa Centre. Available at: http://www.pssru.ac.uk/pdf/MCpdfs/Pain_factsheet.pdf . Accessed on 25th April 2012.…