Culture expresses the national identity of one society. It is the human activity and symbols that gives individual culture unique and symbolic. Filipino people have 3
(three) main principles of culture; the ideas, norms and resources. The ideas represented religious beliefs, attitudes, scientific knowledge, behaviour, proverbs, literature, riddles, legends and myths, philosophy and anything came from ideas.
The norms or the Filipino ways of doing such thing like habits, regulations, customs, ceremonies, rituals and celebration. Then, the resources or the material that we have including our own natural resources, wealth, technology, work of arts, artifacts and others.
There are some differences between my own culture and Canadian culture. Filipino culture is called humanizing culture to the fact that we indicated human like “my fellow human being”, “my husband or my wife” and the like. Our culture was always found in everyday living in terms of food, water, shelter, clothing, health, education, leisure and natural resources. Our language was developed through the use of technology in education, business, industry, trades, political and economic growth.
Canadian culture is well known for being diverse and multi-cultural; this is because of many cultures immigrate to Canada. Their culture explains literature, music, artistic, cuisine, politics and economy. Their culture emphasized healthcare, education, taxation, poverty, gun law, legalizing to live of the same sex which indicated to their cultural identities different from other culture.
There is a similar pattern between Filipino culture and Canadian culture; it is what they called regional culture. Regional culture developed in Philippines because of the influence of Spain, United States, Japan, Chinese and other Asian counties while in Canada, regional culture exists because of different people living there with their own heritage. In my