Explanation to my friend on the matter: When someone decides to buy a term paper/essay they are buying words that have been already written and published by the original author without citing that original author and passing the work off as their own, this is called plagiarism. “Once ideas are put into words and published, they become intellectual property, and the author has the same rights over them as he or she has over material property such as a house or a car.” (Ruggiero, 2008) A student who does this is doing two things wrong, they are: stealing and deceiving. With ethics in mind, “plagiarism is considered an ethical violation and is punished by a failing grade for a paper or a course or even by dismissal from the institution) (Ruggiero, 2008). Based on the Three Primary Schools of Ethics we discussed this week from our assigned reading, the two that are most appropriate for buying term papers and passing them off as your own are: Ends based and Rules based.
“Deontological theories (rules-based) focus on duties and rights, the principles we choose to follow in making tough decisions and our most general expectations for human behavior: be fair to everyone involved, respect the basic dignity of human beings, and simply do the right thing in every situation.”(Lecture) With rule-based theory and the situation we are talking about, the point is to make tough decisions with the principle you’ve chosen even before you meet the decision itself. This is important in this situation because it is an ethical view that you have come to before getting in a situation where you might
References: (Ruggiero, Vincent. Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues, 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions, 2008. pp. 15 - 18).