
What Is Gender Equality In The 1800's

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What Is Gender Equality In The 1800's
Gender equality has always been a touchy subject between men and women and the women are usually portrayed as the victim. In modern times, women have fought for higher wages and jobs that are usually held by men. In the 1800’s women were looked at as housewives and their job was to take care of the children. The majority of women back then didn’t have jobs since the man was the main source of income. Elizabeth Stanton was one of those women in the 1800’s who really wanted to see a change in the way women were treated as human beings. In her essay Stanton states, “Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled. …show more content…
Elizabeth Stanton’s Declaration of sentiments and resolutions is an essay that could be directed to both the male and female audiences. Stanton may have written this essay for a male audience to try and get their attention. If the individual men read her essay they might change their opinion and agree that women do have a right to be equals. I think in this time period this was the only way for women to speak out and try to change the rules set by white men. This could also be looked at as an essay for the early feminist movement. Feminists look at gender inequality as a social problem as a opposed to an individual problem. For example, “Feminists stress that gender inequality is a social, not an individual, problem because it pervades the social structure and is built into every institution, such as family, sexuality, work, politics, religion, and even language” (Farrell, Feminism). Most feminist groups of today fight for the right to be equal to men. However, there are some different jobs and occupations that women really are not made for. Right now a big issue is should women be allowed in the

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