
What Is George Orwell's 1984?

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1984 by George Orwell, written in 1949 is a product of an emerging threat to Communism and a global level power struggle between Russia, China and now at this time in 1949 the United States of America. The struggle only existing out of fear and respect for each other over the possibility of one being able to destroy the other and only needing each other to exist, as “…they are unable to destroy one another” for the specific purpose of holding power in the first place. This is also the beginning of classism in the United States with the dawning of the “Top 1%” post-World War II. Orwell himself; was born into a British military family and lacked the bond of a family with an absentee father and ultimately boarding school via partial scholarship, …show more content…

Out of each great physical War change in classes did come about; however, through government influence, change reverted back to its natural state, a separation of classes “…there have been three kinds of people in the world…but the essential structure of society has never changed.” When 1984 was published the United States did have three social classes, High, Middle and Low, over the next few decades the classes merged into two: Upper and Lower. In today’s society working with just the two class system, we can see the patterns of inevitable struggle continuing. Orwell thought the when the Higher class shows a sign of weakness, ”they are overthrown by the Middle, who enlist the Low on their side by pretending to them…Once they have reached their objective, the Middle thrust the Low back into their own position.” This concept of using each class to gain power and wealth and then the disposal of said class runs rapid with American politics and the democratic process of the wealthy, powerful 1% parading themselves around with empty promises for an improvement in the quality of life for the masses as if the American people are to be just another notch on the 1% bedpost. Once the powerful achieve their goal promises are retracted and legislation is passed for what seems to be the purpose of the benefit of the whole, the whole 1% and the idea of equality is gone because the people representing the people forgot what it was like to be “the people” or have never experienced the war on survival with the inherent legacy of wealth and power can we blame them? Why would we the people put our trust in someone who is not “the people” but we continue to play the game fight the war that will always exist and only change at face value? The top 1% needs

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