make Grendel eager to be accepted and appreciated, therefore, rejecting his position as the destroyer. Grendel asserts blame on the women for being tempting, while he is truly to blame for being tempted. Grendel decides to end his temptation when thinking: “I would kill her and teach them reality. Grendel the truth-teacher, phantasm-tester” (110). Killing Wealtheow reaffirms the belief that women make Grendel feel out of control and Grendel makes the decision to not love women. The decision to kill Wealtheow would permanently end his temptation and distraction that he feels women initiated.
make Grendel eager to be accepted and appreciated, therefore, rejecting his position as the destroyer. Grendel asserts blame on the women for being tempting, while he is truly to blame for being tempted. Grendel decides to end his temptation when thinking: “I would kill her and teach them reality. Grendel the truth-teacher, phantasm-tester” (110). Killing Wealtheow reaffirms the belief that women make Grendel feel out of control and Grendel makes the decision to not love women. The decision to kill Wealtheow would permanently end his temptation and distraction that he feels women initiated.