
What Is Heathcliff Injustice

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What Is Heathcliff Injustice
Heathcliff, as we may know, started of with a pretty unfair childhood. From being abandoned on the streets, to being bullied for being distinct. Consequently, Heathcliff's sense of injustice affects all the characters in Wuthering Heights.
Heathcliff's resentment starts off at a young age, and it is therefore put into argument that his life did not start at a glorious pace. Similarly, Heathcliff received negative treatment because of jealousy towards the affection he received from both Catherine and Mr. Earnshall. Notably, Hindley was responsible for molding Heathcliff the way he wanted to. Henceforth, Heathcliff endured the torment because of his beloved Catherine; she made it bearable for him to withstand the wrath of Hindley and Joseph once Mr. Earnshall passed away. And in an instant, it all changed; Catherine was no longer his. This "betrayal" was the iceberg that sunk the ship on Heathcliff's life. Once he realized he had lost her, he felt the cruel reality of his unfair life come crashing down. Anyway, he did not take this "injustice" very kindly. Ultimately, he grew to be bitter and realized he needed to take revenge on those who wronged him.
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As the reader discovers what his plans are for most of the characters, one can infer that all the injustice he feels on his part severely wounded his soul. By all means, he manipulated various scenes with both Cathy, Edgar Linton's daughter, to get what he desired. Furthermore, he used Nelly Dean to force certain events that encouraged the uprising of his power. Evidently, the reader understands where he is coming from and try to sympathize for his character. Other times however, he seems to take it to extremes. To illustrate this, take the kidnapping of both Cathy and Nelly Dean; that was over the top, don't you

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