So starting off, Hermes was born in a cave on the mount Cheyne. Zeus had impregnated Maia when it was nighttime and Hermes was born by the time dawn was up.
He is an Olympian God of roads, travel, language, astronomy and etc…. He was also the messenger of the gods because he would be able to run quick like a blink of an eye. The name Herme comes from a connection between speed and luck. His name is still used in today’s culture. There is fashion brands …show more content…
Poseidon and Hermes ran to gather their armies, supplies and the rest of the stuff needed for this war. After the war started they fought for a while until they realized fighting was a stupid thing to listen to so they stopped. Hermes stopped to gather people by earth to ask for mortals . He was not successful finding people for his army. Meanwhile Poseidon went to Ares and asked them to teach him some of the battle strategies. Ares refused unless he was able to watch the battle, which Poseidon didn't think he had a choice so he said yes. After Poseidon said yes, Ares gave him many battle strategies. Once he got to 1,000 battle strategies he had to stop writing them down and find an army. It was dawn and he only had someone to …show more content…
They both said that their armies are better than the other. Then Zeus cried out in amazement saying, “ Emergency meeting of the gods!”They both obeyed their kings orders and went to the main hall and meet with the other gods such as Hades, who never goes to the meeting and was there surprisingly. “ The other gods are not involved in this major conflict is to seek shelter. That is all.” Hades was mad because it had nothing to do with him or the underground. He mentioned that nothing can hurt him unless a bomb goes down there. Then he was almost out of breath and left. After the meeting, Hermes and Poseidon went outside to the battlefield and the battle