the demands of the social situation. This type of people also have a lots of friends where they choose specific partners for different activities according to their skill in the particular area. A typical characteristics of high self monitoring people is their ability to be get along with other people in different social situation and be liked (Snyder,1974). According to Mill (1984), these people has the skill to read others and they seem to rely on "overt, clear and interpersonal cues" to what type of expressive behaviour that they will present in a given situation (Schwalbe, 1991).
With this type of ability and skill that they adopt, high-self monitoring people may easily please other people and winning their favour. Unlike low-self monitoring people, they are driven by their self validation motives (Gangestad & Snyder, 2000). These people choose relation based on shared values, they want to develop strong affective bonds and to maintain that bond for a long time (Snyder, Simpson & Gangestad, 1986). In having partners, they choose them based on their general likability and mostly they have the same partners for different activities (Snyder, Gangestad & Simpson, 1983). Low sel monitoring people have less friends comparing to people with high self monitoring and they seldomly try to get along with others and be liked. This is because they dont care about their public images and does not seek the desire to demand the social situation, unless their opinion are alike with the social situation which will not happen quite often. A study by Flynn, Chatman and Spataro (2001), shows that self monitoring "moderated negativity of impressions formed of demographically different coworkers in such a way." The coworkers who possesses high self monitors generates more positive impression rather than he self-monitoring. This shows that
people with high self monitors is a far better person than the people with low sel monitors due to their ability to seek the demands of the social situations which leads them to be like by others.