
What Is Horatio's Philosophy Of The Human Mind

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What Is Horatio's Philosophy Of The Human Mind
God created each human with a mind that can imagine, intellectualize, and create. Therefore, Christians can conclude that God wants each person he created to use their intellect; this concept can be verified by Proverbs 3:21-22, “My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace” (NLT). The human mind is a complex, powerful entity that was created by a powerful, omnipotent God and since everyone is made in God’s image, the human mind must be a mere reflection of His. The problem is, all minds are just a mere reflection. No human mind can come close to the understanding and all-knowing, powerful mind of Christ. All people should strive to grow and …show more content…
Horatio is the one man who does not betray Hamlet and is faithful to him even when Hamlet rejects his advice to not participate in the dual that lead to his death. Hui quotes Christopher Warley, “To interpret Hamlet means to become Horatio” (Hui 3). Although Horatio does not appear in every scene and is not a part of every event, he becomes the consistent factor that stays the same throughout the play. Some things are uncertain about Horatio but he is the glue that holds the play together. Horatio’s binding quality is further explained when Hui quotes Julia Lupton, “if Hamlet is the object and mirror of our imaginary fascination, Horatio directs the symbolic dimension of our subjective capture within the scenes before us. A late remnant of the classical chorus, Horatio performs this work in the mode of public opinion formation, as he goes about testing, weighing, and summarizing the state of the union throughout the drama” (Hui 20). It is clear that Horatio does not always agree with Hamlet and at the end of the play Shakespeare leaves the reader wondering, if Hamlet had taken the advice of Horatio, would he have died? Through analyzing Horatio, Andrew Hui presents pieces of Hamlet’s philosophy, While Horatio …show more content…
Ackerman examines the significance of the Ghost of King Hamlet in conjunction with the imagination of Prince Hamlet. Ackerman references Act one scene two when Hamlet says to Horatio that he sees his father in his “minds eyes” (124) and explains later “Hamlet begins to interrogate the separation of vision from the body, of the mental image from the concrete reality. This separation is reconsidered with far-ranging consequences” (125). When looking at the cause of Hamlet’s death in direct conjunction with his thoughts, Ackerman presents an interesting argument. Throughout the play, Hamlet’s sanity is questioned by every character (other than Horatio) and there is a certain point that this questioning should be evaluated. At first, the reader does not trust Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Polonius, Guildenstern, and Rosencrantz to be able to judge Hamlet’s sanity because of their own downfalls. After analyzing the play further, when Hamlet decides to trust the Ghost, does this not bring to question his sanity considering his seeing the ghost in his “minds eyes” (124)? Ackerman also states, “Hamlet is no skeptic (he accepts news of the ghost sighting at face value but doubts its meaning), while Horatio, more like later audiences, will find his assumptions about relations between the material and spiritual worlds severely tested by the ghost” (124). This statement raises another question, why

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