How would you define interpersonal communication? Given your definition of interpersonal communication, is it possible for someone with immoral or self-serving motives to truly engage in interpersonal communication. Why or why not?
I see interpersonal communication as a continuing, ever-changing development that occurs when you interact with another individual. Interpersonal communication takes two people. Without the second individual, it is impossible to have interpersonal communication. The participants of interpersonal communication are a dyad: a couple, a pair, or perchance rivals. Assemblies of three or more people are also seen as combinations of dyads. Without a dyad, a connection ceases to exist, and without a bond, there is no interpersonal communication. This indicates that if an individual disengage from the relationship, then that relationship ceases-to a certain degree or until the relationship is resumed. Given my definition, I do not see someone with immoral or self-serving motives to truly engage in interpersonal communication. The more personally we communicate with another individual, the more interpersonal our connection becomes. When we participate in interpersonal communication, our objective is to treat one another as genuine individuals, not as objects.
What are some of the forms of interpersonal communication you can use to build a relationship? What are some of the things that impact communication and can make things difficult when building a relationship?
The transactional model is the most realistic depiction of interpersonal communication as it depicts sending and receiving as concurrent rather than distinctly separate items. Communication is a multi-way process. Communication examples include: any engagement in which meaning is cocreated. It does not apply to texting, tweeting or posting.
Cultural differences can impact communication and make it difficult to build a relationship. When two individuals of