
What Is Lenin's Impact On Russia

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What Is Lenin's Impact On Russia
ended centuries of serfdom in Russia. Under the terms of the Manifesto, the autocracy acted as a mediator between the landowners and the peasants. The government paid the landowners for their losses, which included land and peasant labor, and the peasants repaid the government for the cost of the land and labor with interest over a period of forty-nine years. The plan, however, was not popular with the landowners nor with the peasants. The land owners did not want to part with any of their land and, therefore, many chose the least profitable land to offer as peasant allotments. The peasants believed it unfair to require payment for land they had farmed for generations.
The last few decades of the nineteenth century, though a period of economic growth, industrial expansion, and globalization, did not produce the stability in Russia that was intended with the emancipation of
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His familial relationship was congenial. Lenin’s father worked as a schoolteacher and later as a school inspector for the government. His mother was a homemaker. Lenin’s parents were not involved in radical politics. His childhood betrayed nothing of the revolutionary ideology he developed as a young adult nor of the impact he would have on the world. When Lenin was a teenager, his father passed away and his older brother, Alexander, was executed for his part in an assassination plot against the Tsar. Soon after, Lenin denounced his Orthodox upbringing and declared himself an atheist. While Lenin was in college, he became involved in radical politics and was expelled from school and sent to live with his grandparents for his involvement in protests. While in exile, he continued his studies and eventually became a lawyer. His clientele was mostly peasants, which gave him insight into their way of life and the struggles they

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