Madliene Johnson
October 6, 2013
Working with Individuals
1. Challenges that is likely to be encountered with regard to working with various individuals. a. Cultural differences amongst the PRMC & BRMC threatened the sense of togetherness and belonging that the merger was seeking to create (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012).
b. One of the challenges for Portsmith is developing a rapid training program for new technologies and address skill levels of individuals (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012).
c. Challenge for the leadership is to maintain motivated and committed employees while producing superior service and care with the highest quality and productivity during …show more content…
the transition (Fox, 2006).
2. Strategies for assessing individuals ' needs and addressing them
a. Utilizing proper assessment to identify areas of motivation and how to influence behavior and obtain best practices and resource tools for employee’s success. (Borkowski, 2009) (Fox, 2006).
b. Leadership maintains frequent open and honest communication and round to build an emotional bank account (Studer, 2008).
Employee feedback should be encouraged by the managers as it tells them how motivated and satisfied the employees are in the organization (Importance of Employees Feedback, 2009)
3. The rationale for why this is important for organizational success
a. Identifying motivations and job performance areas for improvement and provide coaching tailored to employee’s needs in the best interest of the organization to increase productivity and succession planning (Studer, 2008).
b. Employees feel that they are part of the organization when they make decisions that guide the organization’s future increasing job satisfaction and productivity (Workplace Emotions and Attitudes pg. 117).
c. Reward and recognize excellent behavior and share the story to cultivate the culture of the organization (Studer, 2008).
4. Conclusion
a. In order for Portsmith to succeed, leadership needs to assess employee satisfaction and determine employee motivation and respond to ensure employees receive the necessary tools needed for success.
b. Create a culture of inclusivity with the employees with interactive communication and listening to elicit possible areas of opportunity and address issues that affect the organization and unify cultural differences (Studer,
c. Reinforces positive behavior to cultivate desired changes in the organization that will benefit both managers and employees (Studer, 2008).
Borkowski, N. (2009). Organizational behavior, theory, and design in health care. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. 83, 90, 418-420.
Buchbinder, Sharon B. and Shanks, Nancy H. (2012). Introduction to Health Care
Management. Jones & Barlett Learning: Burlington, MA. 406, 408.
Fox, M. L. (2006). Job design. In the Encyclopedia of career development. Thousand
Oaks, CA:Sage.
Importance of Employees Feedback. (Mar 08, 2009) Retrieved from 807026.html
Studer, Q. (2008). Results That Last. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 222, 244
Workplace Emotions and Attitudes: Retrieved from http://highered.mcgraw