78% inner locus of control and the remaining 22% extrenal locus of control. This means that while I leave some spaces for believing in destiny and sometimes innevitable bad luck, I do take most of …show more content…
the things as my own doing.
Cherry K. (2016) in her article for VeryWell “What is locus of control” describes people with strong inner locus of control as those that are more responsible, proactive, hard-working, healthier and even happier while also stating that people with higher inner locus of control achieve greater success when it comes to
work. Therefore, I have a good reason to believe, that having more innternal locus of control will help me to achieve better results in my studies and work. While I do believe that there are many great things in this universe that we cannot comprehend and that they might influence our lives beyond our control, when it comes to down-to-earth things like taking exams or completing tast, or achieving carrer success I think it depends of our hard work and dedication.
When the exam doesn’t go well I don’t blame the questions, I know I had to study harder. The same in the work place. Nowadays, in many fields of work we encounter with technologies. Even if our work is not technology related many of us have to work with computers, sotwares, and programs. In my line of work these things couse great amount of problems. Systems have bugs and programs break down too often. If I had more of external locus of control I think I would blame everything on those programers who create faulty systems and give up on working all together since I don’t have the ability to fix those problems, but having more if internal locus of control have saved me from giving up so many times. Instead of quiting I reach for support and try to find people who can solve the issues I am facing. I know that it is only up to me to point out these issues to the right people who can fix it. Therefore, I believe that having more of internal locus of control I will be able to graduate from university and achieve success with this degree program. After all, it is only up to me, not to give when faced with problems. I tried to look at problems as if they were mathematical equestions.
They look really complecated to begin with, but all we need is the right approach to get the correct answer. Many times ir requires hard work, but as long as I know that the answer is there I am willing to put in the effor.
Cherry K. September 5th 2016. “What is locus of control” VeryWell. Retrieved from: https://www.verywell.com/what-is-locus-of-control-2795434 Gilian F. PsychCentral. Retrieved at June 27th 2017 from: https://psychcentral.com/encyclopedia/locus-of-control/ “Locus of Control an attributionl style test” queendom.com. Retrieved June 27th, 2017 from: