What does mean indoor …show more content…
A major objective in offices or commercial buildings is to provide a healthy comfortable environment to maximize the productivity of workers. Many of research studies show that huge untapped economic opportunities that was caused by the negligence improvements in indoor environmental quality in commercial buildings and homes. In addition, the sources of economic value such as improving work performance, its speed or quality, reducing absence, and reducing the health care costs for employees. So, it makes sense that when occupants feel comfortable and satisfied with their indoor environment they are likely to be more productive.
What constitutes indoor environmental quality (IEQ) criteria?
There are many factors that refer to IEQ the most commonly are:
• Thermal environment (air temperature, radiant temperature, air movement, moisture).
• Lighting (quantity and quality of light, glare and its effect).
• Acoustics (sound level and speech intelligibility).
• Indoor air quality (odours, …show more content…
It includes air quality, access to daylight, suitable acoustic design treatments, and occupant control over artificial lighting and thermal comfort. In addition, increasing the satisfaction of building occupants by providing healthy environment and thereby increase productivity and financial returns for the owner. Studies have proven that sustainable buildings less expensive than regular buildings by 2%. And the possible application of solutions and ideas for effective strategies for improving occupants’ comfort and control by the simplest and lowest cost ways to address the